Sunday, March 09, 2008

Entry 178

When a man uses profanity to support an argument, it indicates that either the man or the argument is weak - probably both.
Horace G. Hutchinson

In TV today, you can say I pricked my finger, but you can't say it the other way around.
George Carlin

Take away the right to say "f**k" and you take away the right to say "f**k the government!".
Lenny Bruce

When you swear, swear seriously and solemnly, but at the same time with a smile, for a smile is the twin sister of seriousness.

For it comes to pass oft that a terrible oath, with a swaggering accent sharply twanged off, gives manhood more approbation than ever proof itself would have earned him.
William Shakespeare

[NOTE: This is not always true. Last week a colleague said to me: "Stick it up your *ss". My esteem for this former gentleman vanished; and I don't even know what "it" was.]

A footman may swear; but he cannot swear like a lord. He can swear as often: but can he swear with equal delicacy, propriety, and judgment?
Jonathan Swift

Take not God’s name in vain; select
A time when it will have effect.
Ambrose Bierce


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